What is a Living Trust?

A Revocable Living Trust is like a safe that holds your assets on behalf of a beneficiary. You know that your possessions are in good hands when you invest in a living trust. When considering a trust for your family or loved one, keep in mind that it can also be referred to as a “Family Trust”, or simply a “Trust.”

Having a trust empowers you to pick how you wish to deal with your assets before your death; in fast, quick and simple steps at no additional cost. A living trust is an honorable gift to give your family.

In our free Revocable Living Trust seminars, we break down what a trust is and how it works. We work with you step by step to advise you on how to distribute your assets and guide you on how to select who in your family will distribute the estate.

Included in the $899.00 price is your estate plan, which includes many of our other services and documents that are important to you and those you leave behind.

Furthermore, we draft you a Last Will and Testament for each spouse, Financial Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directive, and any other critical documents required to transfer your assets into your trust.